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Vincent Stevens


Meet the Illustrator

What were your favorite books to read growing up?  

Loved Dr. Seuss, biographies, Crime and PunishmentA Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManCatch 22The Catcher in the Rye, and the Mars Series by Edgar Rice Burroughs 

What were some of your first drawings and paintings?    

Started out by drawing Snoopy and Spiderman.  Made up a cartoon called Poor Pup that I was quite proud of.  Used to try to sell my drawings to family members (I think my Mom and Dad were my best customers), family friends and neighbors.  Later started painting people, landscapes and animals. 

Who are some of your favorite artists? 

 Vincent van Gogh, Mary Cassatt, Claude Monet, Edgar Degas,Paul Cézanne , Paul Gauguin, Frida Kahlo, Michelangelo, Picasso, De Grazia and Charles Russell 

What did you use to create the illustrations for Sir Frederique von Turtlestein?  

I used pencil, watercolors and watercolor pencils, acrylics and ink.    

How long did it take to create one illustration (from sketch to painting)?  

About a week. 


Who is your favorite character in the book?  

That is hard to say.  In trying to interpret the feelings and emotions of the characters and how that might express itself in the look of the character, I really felt a connection with Sir Frederique, Ruthie, Quill and yes the bullfrog. 

What do you do for fun?

Paint of course.  I also love to spend time with my wife looking for antiques or kayaking and playing games with my kids and grandkids.  Camping, hiking and looking for treasures on the beach is always fun.  Some of the happiest moments of my life was when I was on mission trips serving others with my family.